President Xi Jinping Delivered a Keynote Speech at the Opening of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit


President Xi Jinping Delivered a Keynote Speech at the Opening of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit

On the morning of September 5, President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Beijing Summit at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing and delivered a keynote speech titled 'Working Together to Advance Modernization and Build a Community with a Shared Future.

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At the beginning of autumn, Beijing was vast and clear. The bright red Five-Starred Red Flag and the flags of 53 African countries and the African Union were flying in the wind on both sides of Tiananmen Square and Chang'an Avenue.

Xi Jinping took a group photo with 51 heads of state and government of African countries, 2 presidential representatives attending the summit, the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, and the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Accompanied by the music of "Peace - A Community with a Shared Future for Mankind" and warm applause, Xi Jinping walked into the venue with foreign leaders and took their seats on the podium.

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                   This is President Xi Jinping walking into the venue together with foreign leaders.

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Xi Jinping emphasized that China and Africa account for one-third of the world's total population, and without the modernization of China and Africa, there can be no modernization of the world. In the next three years, China is willing to work with Africa to promote ten major partnership initiatives for modernization, deepen China-Africa cooperation, and lead the modernization of the Global South.

First, the Partnership Initiative for Mutual Recognition of Civilizations. China is willing to work with Africa to establish an exchange platform for governance experience, set up a China-Africa Development Knowledge Network and 25 China-Africa research centers, and invite 1,000 African political party members to China for exchanges.

Second, the Partnership Initiative for Trade Prosperity. China is committed to unilaterally expanding market access and has decided to grant zero-tariff treatment to 100% of tariff lines to all least developed countries, including 33 African countries, that have diplomatic relations with China, promoting China's vast market into a great opportunity for Africa. China will expand market access for African agricultural products, deepen cooperation in e-commerce and other fields, and implement the "China-Africa Quality Improvement Plan." China is also willing to negotiate and sign a framework agreement on common economic partnership development with Africa to provide long-term, stable, and predictable institutional guarantees for China-Africa trade and investment.

Third, the Partnership Initiative for Industrial Chain Cooperation. China is willing to work with Africa to create a growth circle for industrial cooperation, focus on building pilot zones for deepening China-Africa economic and trade cooperation, and launch the "African SME Empowerment Plan." Jointly establish China-Africa digital technology cooperation centers and construct 20 digital demonstration projects.

Fourth, the Partnership Initiative for Connectivity. China is willing to implement 30 infrastructure connectivity projects in Africa, jointly promote high-quality co-construction of the Belt and Road, and create a China-Africa connectivity network featuring land-sea linkage and coordinated development. Provide assistance to the construction of the African Continental Free Trade Area, deepen cooperation in logistics and finance, and facilitate cross-regional development in Africa.

Fifth, the Partnership Initiative for Development Cooperation. China is willing to jointly issue a joint declaration with Africa on deepening cooperation under the framework of the Global Development Initiative and implement 1,000 "small but beautiful" livelihood projects. Inject funds into the China-World Bank Partnership Fund. Support the hosting of the 2026 Youth Olympic Games and the 2027 African Cup of Nations, ensuring that development achievements better benefit the Chinese and African peoples.

Sixth, the Partnership Initiative for Health and Wellness. China is willing to work with Africa to establish a China-Africa Hospital Alliance and jointly build medical centers. Dispatch 2,000 medical team members to Africa, implement 20 medical and health projects and malaria control projects, promote Chinese enterprises' investment in pharmaceutical production, and continue to provide assistance within its capabilities to Africa during pandemics. Support the construction of the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and enhance the public health capabilities of African countries.

Seventh, the Partnership Initiative for Agriculture and People's Well-being. China will provide emergency food aid of RMB 1 billion to Africa, establish 100,000 acres of agricultural standardization demonstration zones, dispatch 500 agricultural experts, and establish the China-Africa Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Alliance. Implement 500 public welfare projects. Encourage Chinese and African enterprises to invest and start businesses in each other's countries, creating no fewer than 1 million jobs in Africa.

Eighth, the Partnership Initiative for People-to-People Exchanges. China is willing to work with Africa to further advance the "Future Skills for Africa" initiative, jointly build engineering and technology colleges, and establish 10 "Lu Ban Workshops." Focus on African women and youth, providing 60,000 training opportunities. Jointly implement the China-Africa "Cultural Silk Road" program and the "Radio and Television Innovation Cooperation Program." Designate 2026 as the "Year of China-Africa People-to-People Exchanges."

Ninth, the Partnership Initiative for Green Development. China is willing to implement 30 clean energy projects in Africa, establish a meteorological early warning operational platform, and carry out cooperation in disaster prevention, mitigation, relief, and biodiversity conservation. Establish the China-Africa Forum on the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Technology, and carry out cooperation in satellite remote sensing, lunar and deep space exploration, supporting Africa's green development.

Tenth, the Partnership Initiative for Joint Security. China is willing to establish a partnership with Africa to implement the Global Security Initiative, training 6,000 military personnel and 1,000 law enforcement officers for Africa, inviting 500 young military officers to visit China. Carry out joint military exercises, training, and joint patrols with Africa, implement the "Action to Help Africa Rid Itself of Landmines," and jointly safeguard the security of personnel and projects.

To promote the implementation of these "Ten Partnership Initiatives," the Chinese government is willing to provide strong support for pragmatic cooperation between China and Africa in various fields.

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The Summit adopted the "Beijing Declaration on Jointly Building an All-Weather China-Africa Community with a Shared Future in the New Era" and the "FOCAC Beijing Action Plan (2025-2027)."

Over 3,200 people from various sectors of China and abroad, including heads of state, government leaders, heads of delegations from African member countries of the FOCAC, and leaders of international and regional organizations, attended the opening ceremony.

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Founded in 2000, the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) currently has 55 members, including China, 53 African countries that have established diplomatic relations with China, and the African Union Commission. The theme of this Summit is "Working Together to Promote Modernization and Build a High-Standard China-Africa Community with a Shared Future." Following the opening ceremony, four high-level sessions will be held, focusing on governance, industrialization and agricultural modernization, peace and security, and high-quality joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative.

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