Capsicum Greenhouse Farming in the Americas


Capsicum Greenhouse Farming in the Americas

Capsicum fruits have a high demand in the Americas as they are a great source of Vitamin A. They are used as spices in delicious meals. RainStar Americas trains and helps farmers to start and improve their Capsicum Greenhouse Farming Venture. Through training, supply, and installation of our quality irrigation systems and growing structures, we are determined to contribute to the success of our farmers.

Capsicum greenhouse farming

What are the Conditions for Capsicum Greenhouse Farming?

  • Ideal temperature range of 15 – 25 degrees Celsius.

  • Does well in dry irrigated areas

  • High altitude can reach 2000 meters above sea level.

  • Well-drained loamy soils

Americas agriculture

Capsicum Varieties in Americas

  • Several varieties of capsicum thrive in greenhouses and open fields across the Americas. These plants often have a bushy covering with numerous branches.

  • In open fields, bushy varieties like Jalapeño and Anaheim perform exceptionally well. They are known for their robust growth and adaptability to various environmental conditions. On the other hand, varieties such as Bell Pepper (often hybridized as Bell F1), Sweet Banana Pepper, and Poblano thrive in greenhouses, as they develop tall stems with relatively fewer branches. Additionally, native American varieties like the fiery Habanero, the smoky Chipotle, and the versatile Anaheim pepper add a unique flavor profile and cultural significance to the region's culinary landscape.

How to grow Capsicum in Greenhouses

  • Greenhouses are ideal for optimal growing conditions for capsicum. Unlike open-field cultivation, growing in greenhouses reduces disease attacks and improves general yield.

  • Before you decide on planting capsicum, you need to first research to identify the suitable varieties that work for you.

  • It is also ideal to learn how to prepare for the actual process of cultivating Capsicum.

Steps for Starting Capsicum Greenhouse Farming

  • Soil testing and analysis – Get an agronomist to test the PH of your soil and advice on which fertilizers to use.

  • Land Preparation – involves activities such as clearing bushes and digging the land or area for planting capsicum.

  • Setting up a greenhouse structure – Set up a desirable greenhouse structure to grow your capsicum. Acquire materials and technicians to construct your greenhouse from RainStar America. You will benefit from our experience in building durable greenhouses with our affordable and quality materials.

  • Preparing or Buying Capsicum Seeds – You can prepare your capsicum seeds on trays or nursery beds. Buying hybrid seeds from seedling vendors is an alternative if you want to grow urgently. However, it is better to grow your seeds, to avoid the extra cost of seedlings which can be expensive.

Capsicum Seedling Propagation and Transplanting

  • Raise Capsicum seedlings in nursery beds usually 1M wide and about 30 cm high. Make thin lines about 10 cm apart on the seedling beds and sow the capsicum seeds.

  • It is normally great to prepare your seedlings under insect nets or shade nets to protect against direct sunlight and pests.

  • Water thoroughly to ensure the seedlings get enough moisture for germination.

  • Transplanting should begin after 6 weeks, the moment seedlings have developed recommended height.

Spacing and Irrigation Techniques

Planting capsicum requires a spacing of about 30 cm to allow maximum space for growth. Proper spacing reduces nutrient, moisture and light competition thus making your capsicum develop to maximum capacity.

The plant has high water needs to yield large and bulky fruits, thus the need for drip irrigation. To acquire drip kits for your capsicum farm, we are the best suppliers to buy from.

Our drip kits come with the following items;

  • Driplines – with 30, 20 and 15 cm spacing – ideal for capsicum and other crops.

  • Pipes for connections

  • Fittings to ensure zero water leakages

  • Fertilizer application kits

  • Support structures (optional)

irrigation systems for capsicum

What size of Greenhouse for Your Capsicum Crops?

There is no limit to the greenhouse size you can choose for your capsicum farming venture. The ideal size remains within your ambition, but we can list the ideal sizes for you.;

  • 8 m by 15 M

  • 8 m by 24 m

  • 8 m by 30 m

  • 16 m by 40 m

Any other size can be applicable as long as it remains stable.

Why Capsicum Greenhouse Farming is Better than Open Field Farming

Capsicum Growing in Greenhouses makes the harvesting period extensive for a long season. For up to 6 months, you can continue plucking your capsicum fruits as the plants keep thriving due to sufficient growing conditions.

Your capsicum plants are safe from common diseases and pests as they are protected inside the greenhouse. Plus, the inner environment is not conducive for the survival of pests.

Greenhouse has a continuous supply of moisture from drip irrigation systems. Use of drip systems enhances moisture supply balance and aeration in the soil.

In greenhouse environments, less land is utilized to produce high yield of capsicum. Unlike open growing areas, a greenhouse occupies a small land.

Irrigation Systems and Greenhouse for Capsicum Farming

Are you a farmer dreaming of making a noble living through capsicum farming in America? Consider us for Quality Greenhouses and Irrigation systems for Capsicum Farming.

The harvest from greenhouses is higher and best quality compared to the open field capsicum.

Capsicum greenhouse farming

If you have any needs, please contact us.

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