Answering the Call of History, Creating a Historic Undertaking — China-Africa Friendship and Cooperation


Answering the Call of History, Creating a Historic Undertaking — China-Africa Friendship and Cooperation

Beijing in early autumn, with high skies and light clouds, brims with the anticipation of the joy of harvest.

After six years, the leaders of China and Africa once again gather in Beijing for the long-anticipated Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit, a grand event celebrating friendship and cooperation within the China-Africa family.

In the grand vision of the "Global South" united in self-reliance, the world's largest developing country and the continent with the highest concentration of developing nations join forces to write a new chapter. Through the vivid practice of modernization, they provide answers to the questions of history, advancing the historic mission of promoting win-win cooperation, harmonious coexistence, and the flourishing of civilizations.

This exciting historical process is certain to create a brighter future for the people of both sides and serve as a model for building a community with a shared future for mankind.

2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation


In August 2023, Johannesburg, South Africa. It was the fifth time President Xi Jinping had set foot on African soil since assuming the office of President. At the China-Africa Leaders' Dialogue, he fondly recalled his visit from ten years ago: "In 2013, after becoming President of China, my first overseas visit was to Africa, where I proposed the policy of sincerity, real results, amity, and good faith toward Africa."

"Sincerity, real results, amity, and good faith" encapsulates the historical accumulation of China-Africa friendly exchanges. Over the past decade, under the guidance of this policy, China and Africa have drawn strength from their spirit of friendly cooperation, marched resolutely along the path of solidarity and collaboration, upheld moral principles amid international turbulence, and supported each other in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. This has pressed the "accelerator" for China-Africa relations, propelling them onto the "fast track" and into a new phase of jointly building a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future.

The flourishing tree of China-Africa cooperation in the new era stands tall with abundant branches and leaves. President Xi summarized the successful experience of maintaining the vitality of China-Africa relations: "For more than half a century, at every critical juncture in the development of China-Africa relations, both sides have taken a broad view, identified new points of convergence and growth, and driven China-Africa relations to new heights."

Rewind to the year 2000. To adapt to the new changes in the international landscape and the evolving reality of China-Africa relations, the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) came into being. It opened a new chapter in overall China-Africa cooperation. From the announcement of the establishment of a "new type of partnership" to the decision to build and develop a "new strategic partnership"; from establishing a "comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership" to affirming the building of a closer China-Africa community with a shared future, FOCAC has continuously advanced, innovating and driving the leapfrog development of China-Africa relations. It has become a model of South-South cooperation and a banner leading international cooperation with Africa.

 Beijing Summit

This is a photograph taken on August 29, 2024, near the National Convention Center in Beijing, showing the emblem of the 2024 China-Africa Cooperation Forum Summit.

China-Africa Friendship and Cooperation


Why have China-Africa relations, after withstanding the test of time and trials, only grown stronger? History provides the answer.

In the 1950s and 1960s, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, and other first-generation leaders of the People's Republic of China, together with African elder statesmen, ushered in a new era of China-Africa relations. Since then, the people of China and Africa have supported each other and cooperated sincerely in their shared struggles against colonialism and imperialism, in their quests for national independence and liberation, and along their paths to development and rejuvenation. President Xi Jinping emphasized, "This history tells us that China and Africa have always been a community with a shared future. Our shared historical experiences, shared development tasks, and shared strategic interests have closely linked us together."

One well-known story from China-Africa relations is that of the TAZARA Railway. More than 50,000 Chinese engineers and technicians worked alongside African builders, using their sweat, blood, and even lives to construct the railway. On October 25, 1971, when the People's Republic of China regained its legitimate seat at the United Nations, the Tanzanian representative, dressed in a Zhongshan suit, celebrated on-site with songs and dances—an expression of sincere and moving friendship. These iconic moments in China-Africa relations laid a solid foundation for lasting friendship.

The Chinese people will never forget that, following the devastating earthquakes in Wenchuan, Yushu, and other regions, the African people, despite their own economic challenges, generously donated to support China’s disaster relief and reconstruction efforts. Likewise, the African people will always remember that during the Ebola outbreak in 2014 in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, and other countries, China sent 16 teams with more than 1,200 clinical and public health experts to join the fight against the epidemic. This mutual support in times of hardship has forged an unbreakable bond of brotherhood at the core of China-Africa friendship.

China Drip Irrigation Tape and Tubing

                            On October 3, 2016, a trial train traveled on the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway near the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa.


For over half a century, China and Africa have remained committed to deepening their traditional friendship, and the path of joint development has grown ever wider. As President Xi Jinping summarized, "China-Africa relations have withstood the test of time and changing international circumstances, forging a distinctive path of win-win cooperation."

A key characteristic of this win-win path is its focus on development for the people, with a pragmatic and efficient approach. China has helped Africa address major development bottlenecks such as lagging infrastructure, food shortages, and a lack of skilled talent, while Chinese businesses have gained opportunities to expand into overseas markets by engaging in Africa. "China-Africa cooperation must deliver tangible results and benefits that are visible and felt by the people of both sides."

From the Mombasa-Nairobi Railway and the Republic of Congo's National Highway 1, to the Maputo Bay Bridge in Mozambique, the Kribi Deepwater Port in Cameroon, the De Aar Wind Power Project in South Africa, and the Lower Kafue Gorge Hydropower Station in Zambia, each of these "development roads," "dream bridges," and "prosperity ports" has opened up the arteries of connectivity across the African continent. As the U.S. Forbes magazine website commented, much of Africa's infrastructure development has been driven by China, stating, "No country has responded to Africa’s needs like China."

2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

                                 This is a photograph of the Maputo Bridge taken on April 8, 2019, in Maputo, the capital of Mozambique.


There is an African proverb that says, "If you want to go far, go together."

Using the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) as an opportunity to elevate China-Africa cooperation to a higher level in the new era is not only a practical necessity under current circumstances but also the shared aspiration of the leaders and people on both sides.

 Beijing Summit

This is a photograph taken on September 1, 2024, near Beitucheng in Chaoyang District, Beijing, featuring the emblem of the 2024 China-Africa Cooperation Forum Summit.

African nations are collectively seeking to accelerate industrialization and agricultural modernization, while China is committed to deepening reforms and advancing Chinese-style modernization. The development needs and strengths of China and Africa are complementary, allowing both sides to support each other, learn from one another, and collaborate on their respective modernization efforts. The theme of this year's summit, "Working Together to Advance Modernization and Build a High-Level China-Africa Community with a Shared Future," is indeed timely. During the summit, China and Africa will define a new positioning for their relationship in the new era and discuss specific paths to jointly advance modernization.

China-Africa Friendship and Cooperation

In early autumn, Beijing's Chang'an Avenue is freshly decorated with welcoming floral displays, Tiananmen Square dressed in festive attire, and banners with the slogan "Shared Destiny, New Journey of Cooperation" line the roads. The forum's emblem, featuring "Hands in Unity," adorns the streets, symbolizing the spirit of the summit.

China Drip Irrigation Tape and Tubing

                           This is a photograph taken on August 29, 2024, at the Xidan intersection in Beijing, showcasing the "Beautiful Blueprint" floral display.

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